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Silly Billy Is One of The Most Respected Magicians For Children

Silly Billy press
Silly Billy magic show press
Silly Billy book

David Kaye (Silly Billy/Dr. Blood) is one of the most respected and influential magicians for children in the world. David literally “wrote the book” about performing magic for children. Seriously Silly - How To Entertain Children With Magic And Comedy is considered the bible of magic for children. It is sold worldwide and has been translated into several languages. He recently released his second, massive, 400-page book.

Silly Billy book in spanish
Silly Billy new book
Silly Billy DVD
Silly Billy DVD

David invents, manufactures and sells magic tricks and props to professional children’s magicians around the world. David says, “One of the most gratifying aspects of selling my products to other magicians is that I know children all over the world are being entertained by my words, ideas, and original tricks.”

David is an in-demand speaker at magician conferences having presented in 25 countries. He has appeared on the covers of six international magic magazines, making him one of only a very few magicians in the world who have achieved that recognition. In 2014 David was awarded a Performing Fellowship from the Academy of Magical Arts, the highest honor a magician can receive. David is the only children's magician ever to receive this honor.

Silly Billy award winning magician
Silly Billy award winning magician

In 2019 David was awarded the Magician of the Year Award from the New York chapter of the Society of American Magicians. This was a huge honor to be recognized in this way for his contribution to the magic community in New York and the world.

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